Harvest Deaf Bible College

 Harvest Deaf Bible College
Celebrating 30 years     1994 – 2024

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For many years, as International Deaf Representative of BIMI, Dr. Reggie
Rempel had a vision for a school that would train deaf specifically to serve in the ministry. This vision became
a reality in the spring of 1994, with the purchase of almost 14 acres of land in the North Georgia area. On September 8, 1994, BIMI Deaf Bible Institute started classes at Stanley Heights Baptist Church in East Ridge, Tennessee, with 12 students. The dormitories were located in Ringgold, GA. During the second year of school, classes were moved to the school property with the addition of a partially completed boys’ dormitory. During the third year, the name was changed to BIMI Deaf Bible College with the addition of the Ministerial Sign Language program for the hearing. During the year, an extension to the dining hall, offices and classrooms were completed in the boys’ dormitory, and a chapel in the barn extended the facilities. Since that time there has been a complete renovation of the barn, to include a library and more offices. Future plans include an additional dormitory building and a gym, which will assist in the expansion of the school facilities. Because of the encouragement of both BIMI (Baptist International Missions) and supporting pastors, the school name was changed to Harvest Deaf Bible College and obtained incorporation.

Words from our President:
Thank you for considering Harvest Deaf Bible College! We need students that are serious about being in school. We need students that are here because God wants them here, not because they want to live near or around other deaf. We need students that will set a goal of learning all they can here, graduating, and getting to the field into which God has called them. We do not want students that just want to have a good time. Oh, we do have a lot of fun at Harvest Deaf Bible College, but we also look very seriously at the real reason we are here. It is our prayer that you will do the same. If you feel God leading you toward full-time service for Him, whether in missions or church ministry here in the United States, we would love to help you. There are Deaf in every state in America and every country of the world who have still never heard that Christ can save them and give them hope. We need workers, serious workers. Are you one of these? If so, we pray you will consider training here at the Harvest Deaf Bible College.

In Christ,
Dr. Rempel, founder

Welcome video from our President, Dr. Rempel: view here 

Ministry Opportunities
Harvest Deaf Bible College offers students hands-on experiences through ministry at Harvest Baptist Church of the Deaf and  summer opportunities for hands-on experience in ministry at Harvest Deaf Camp.

  • Schedules: Fall 2023 & Spring 2024
    Please click here for the Fall Schedule 2023
    Please click here for Spring Schedule 2024
Programs of Study
  • Certificate of Biblical Studies: C.B.S.
  • Graduate of Theology: TH.G.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Bible: B.A.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Deaf Education: B.A.

Deaf Missionsvideo from one of our professors, Mr. Robert Fuller – click here to view  

Department of Education:  video from one of our professors, Dr. Sherry Chevalley – click here to view 

ASL, Women’s Studies:  video from one of our professors, Mrs. Mary Fuller – click here to view  

College ad for website 8-2022

"Training Students to Reach the Deaf for Christ"

Training students since 1994
click here for more information
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Now Offering Online!
Online Program – Certificate of Biblical Studies (CBS)   

Social life includes a variety of informal activities and events. There are several all-college activities scheduled each semester and every student is encouraged to be involved. These activities provide the students with opportunities for fellowship and character development within a Christian atmosphere. Informal and semi-formal activities include banquets, picnics, cookouts, sports marathons, and gym nights.

Statement of Faith
   The Inspiration of the Bible. We believe the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God. (II Timothy 3:16)

  • The Person of God. We believe God is supreme in His person, eternal in His being, absolute in His attributes, glorious in His perfection. We believe in the Trinity. (Acts. 17:24-25)
  • The Person of Jesus Christ. We believe in the virgin birth of Christ, His deity and sinless life, His vicarious death, His bodily resurrection and ascension, and in His personal, pre-tribulation, and pre-millennial return. (Hebrews 2:9-16)
  • The Person of the Holy Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit is the executive of the godhead. We believe that He executes the plan of God for our conviction and salvation. Christians are partakers of the Holy Spirit and are empowered for service by Him. (John 24:16)
  • The Fall of Man. We believe that man was created in the image of God and by choice fell into sin and death. Hence, every person is sinful and under condemnation to eternal judgment. (Romans 5:12)
  • The Freeness of Salvation. We believe that salvation is made free by the Gospel, and that nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner except his own inherent depravity and voluntary rejection of the Gospel. (John 3:16)
  • The Security of the Believer. We believe that those who receive Jesus Christ as Savior are eternally secure. Our security rests on the finished work of Jesus Christ: as a result, we have assurance. (Colossians 2:13)
  • The Doctrine of the Church. We believe that the visible church is a congregation of baptized believers practicing New Testament principles, believing its doctrines, observing its ordinances and exercising its autonomy. (Ephesians 1:10, 22, 23)
  • The Doctrine of Heaven and Hell. We believe in the eternal blessedness of the saved in heaven and the eternal punishment of the lost in hell. (Psalms 11:4; Mark 9:43)
  • Current Trends in Theology. As a fundamental agency, we take a separatist stand regarding the current trends that lead to discredit the Bible and to undermine the fundamentals of the faith. These trends include neo-orthodoxy, neo-evangelicalism, neo Pentecostalism, and the ecumenical movement. (Revelation 22:18-19)

Standard of Conduct
Harvest Deaf Bible College is an independent Baptist Bible school. We believe the Bible literally and use it as our standard of faith and practice. Attendance at Harvest Deaf Bible College is a privilege. This privilege may be forfeited by any student who does not conform to its standards and rules of the school, or who is not willing to adjust himself to the environment. In order to ensure, as much as possible, the Christian atmosphere we desire and the purpose of Harvest Deaf Bible College, the College has specific guidelines, which control the actions of our students. These policies are explained in the Student Handbook. The handbook is given to each student at the beginning of the semester and the student is then required to sign a statement promising to obey the rules of the College. For example: Harvest Deaf Bible College students will refrain from gambling, dancing, profanity, using tobacco, non-prescribed drugs, and alcoholic beverages.

Harvest Deaf Bible College is designed to train deaf men and women for Christian ministries. The Bible curriculum is designed to ground the students with the knowledge needed to teach and/or preach the Word of God. All classes are taught, in sign language, by those experienced in deaf ministry. Practical training and experience outside the classroom is also an important part of the program to provide students an opportunity to practice what they have learned. Students will receive first hand experience while serving in a local church ministry, visiting foreign fields, traveling in teams, or helping in summer deaf camps.

A video message about our college:  click here

Contact HDBC
Please fill out the form below or email Mr. Robert Fuller at college@harvestdeaf.org if you would like more information about Harvest Deaf Bible College.