Sunday School

A note from our Sunday School Director:
We are so excited about the amazing things that God is doing through our Sunday school program at Harvest Baptist Church of the Deaf. We are seeing souls saved and lives changed. We are also thrilled to have the unique opportunity to minister to the needs of both deaf and hearing children and adults. Our classes are taught in sign language for the deaf and are also interpreted for the hearing. We have a beautiful Bible study program to enable each person to increase his or her knowledge of God’s Word and to deepen their relationship with Christ by reading and studying the Bible.

We have been blessed with some of the most enthusiastic, friendly, and dedicated Sunday school teachers we have ever worked with. Our teachers feel that teaching the Bible is a great privilege and a solemn responsibility. Our church and our Sunday school are committed to the Great Commission that was given to the church by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you….”

We want to invite you and your family to visit Harvest Baptist Church of the Deaf Sunday school classes and receive a blessing from the study of God’s Word in sign language and the spoken word. Hoping to see you soon.

  • Location: Nursery
  • Teacher: Kristie Bradley
  • Location: Academy Building, Elementary (Room 5)
  • Online lessons:  click here to view the lesson
  • Girls Class:    Teacher: Mrs. Linda Hague      Assistant: Lydia Holmquist
  • Location: Academy Building
  • Boys Class:    Teacher: Mr. James Quinlan
  • Location: Academy Building
  • Teacher: Robert Fuller
  • Location: Campus Dining Hall
  • Teacher:  Kim Rempel
  • Location:  Porter Classroom